Life's Lessons: Letting Go

on Monday, June 2, 2008


How and when can you be sure when it's time to let go? Mary J said, "how can I love somebody else when I can't love myself enough to know when it's time to let go". It should be pretty obvious, right? But what if it's the case of that dang 80/20 rule? You know the concept, that in a relationship you're only gonna get 80% of what you need and often you leave that 80 thinking you're getting something better, when in fact you end up with just 20! What if it's that"20%" that's leading you astray? But hold up, who's to say that one doesn't NEED that 20.

Imagine this... me enjoying you, you enjoying me. Life is good. Sweet thoughts, sweet messages consume the day. Good days, good nights, good dates, good laughs. Life is good. No strings attached. You mind your business, I mind mines. It's all good....ya dig. Then time sets in ....

Intentions change, wants change, needs change, growth takes hold. What do we do?

Is it unacceptable that intentions have changed? Is it unreasonable that I want more? I've grown and so have my needs. Can you handle that? and Can I handle if you can't? Ummm....

Could you imagine THIS... me loving you, you loving me. Life is good. We become one. We make one. Life is good. I'm the ice in your tea, the seed in your pumpkin(corny I know), the perfect verse over your tight beat....ya dig. Ummm....

So it seems as though a crossroad emerges. Although I'm not a woman of
ultimatums I am one of affirmations. Time waits for no one, and he won't wait for me. In the country we say, Mildew or Barbeque.

I can be all that you need me to be. What I can't do is force you to come along with me on this journey.

1 Corinthians 13:11When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

I'm ready to put away childish things .... are you? If not ....

... is it time to let go?