I'm Tired

on Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yeah I know. I've been MIA for a couple of weeks. Well what can I say. I just haven't been motivated to write anything. First off, let me say I in no way consider myself to be a "writer" but for me I have to feel like writing. And for some reason my fingers haven't been able to translate the chaos cluttering my brain waves. I'm just tired... mentally.

I'm a fixer, that's what I do. From professional to personal, I study, analyze, formalute solutions, execute test and voila....I fix things! So I have problems when I'm confronted with something, that I may not be able fix. Truth is I'm not sure if I even what to be a fixer anymore. I just wonder what happens between the point where you want to fix and the point where you don't want to fix. Dang, what happens? The more I think I'm wiser, the more I see I'm still a young dummy. LOL Better than an old fool, I guess.

I've never been a person to quit, but I'm tired. Not one ounce of fight left in me, not one grain of motivation in sight....even the reservoir is on E. What do you do when you see, what you thought was your future, go right down the drain? And surprisingly a part of you doesn't even care. Man, when you've given until there's nothing left to give...when your cries of despair have fallen upon deaf ears...when you saw the storm coming. What now?

I'm tired. And I just wonder where the fight comes from in other relationships that seem to stand the test of time. Who said fight anyway? Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Or maybe it was and we were just meant to regret things later. Who knows. How can 80% be on point but the dreaded 20% stand so strong? Who the heck said 20% was insignificant anyway?? Too many questions, but yet no answers. Whatever, I'm pretty sure none of this will make sense tomorrow :)......I'm going to bed.

You Who Never Spoke Your Feelings, So Many Times I Tried To Tell You, That You Were Losing Me, But You Never Tried To Make Things Better, You Didnt Choose To See My Pain, Now I've Got One Thing Left To Say, It Was You


Don said...

I didn't realize you had came with a blog post. My bad. And a great blog post @ that. I can relate to this post, without fail. Of course my life was wrecked, somewhat wrecked almost three years ago and I still haven't recovered.

Life, they say.

What do you do when you see, what you thought was your future, go right down the drain?

Yep, I have the blueprint.

The best advice I can give - hold on and be strong. Take the pain and do what's best for YOU.

Don said...

Hope all is well...

missrook said...

Oh I'm good. Work is just kicking my butt.

Life, they say.


Manchild said...

Hello Miss Rook,

I'm a first-time visitor. I'm just checking in with you to see how you're feeling these days. Been there. Done that before. So I can relate.

Remember what our wise, unsung heroes and sheroes said to edify and encourage one another during their "sunny-side-down days" as slaves.

What doesn't kill you will make you "stronger and wiser" than before.

I believe in you.


Don said...

You have really made me smile today. I cannot emphasize this enough. Your laughter really brings a shine to my day. I appreciate you, Missrook.

When work begins to kick my butt, I just start riding the clock. You're probably better than me though. LOL.

missrook said...

Greetings manchild, thanks for stopping by :)

What doesn't kill you will make you "stronger and wiser" than before.

Ain't that the truth.

Don said...

Loving the conversation on Character Corner. You don't play, do you? LOL.

missrook said...

LOL Yeah you can tell that hit a soft spot. Maaaan, I get tired of church folk foolishness!!! LOL