Think About It: Hurt

on Sunday, October 19, 2008


How can you understand hurt when you've never experienced it yourself? To me some things can ONLY be taught (or learned) through self experience. Point in between, no exceptions. First let's define hurt. We're not talking about getting your feelings hurt or being disappointed. We're talking about real hurt, real pain, real heartbreak. Humm, heartbreak....go with me for a moment.

Heartbreak is waking up, to only realize you never went to sleep. Heartbreak is when you literally feel pain aching through your chest, you can't eat and you can't think. Heartbreak is a lonely place with only you in it, it's dark and it's cold. There are blankets in this room but you don't have the strength to reach them. Desolate.... There's nothing or no one to console you. Minutes turn into hours, days into months and still no relief in sight. What have I ever done so bad to deserve this, you wonder? Heartbreak I tell the place where tears run empty. If what I describe is unfamiliar to you, then rest assure you've never experienced hurt and surely you've never confronted heartbreak.

And the funny thing is, there is good that comes from heartbreak that makes it soooo worth it. Now one would question how the heck anything good could come from pain and heartbreak. You would think that from the heartbreak I describe a permanent vessel of scorn would be born. Maybe in some unfortunate cases that might be true but for most, not. You never fully understand what giving is until something has been taken from you. Make sense? LOL

How could that be?

I can only explain it the way I've come to know it. You live life so carefree, you love so careless, you live without living. Then one day life slaps you dead in the face and when you're able to cope, overcome and move forward you never, ever look at life the same. I now appreciate life and people. I'm now aware of how my actions affect others and most importantly, hurt has taught me how to love unselfishly, with thought and with consideration. I would never want to cause anyone the pain that was caused to me. Hurt ironically brings out our most conscious, enlightened, amorous being.'s life's gift to us.