Who are you?

on Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alone in the rain

Are you to blame?
Of course not.

Or maybe.
But who are you?

I've never acknowledged your existence,
Never given power to your name.
Never needed you then, or now.
Or maybe I did, or do.
But who are you?

Did your absence in my mind,
flee to your presence in my soul?
Couldn't be.
Or maybe.
But who are you?

How can I miss what I never had?
How could you dismiss the essence of you?
I couldn't care.
Or maybe.
But who are you?

Strong and independent is the only being I know.
Past failures are mines, not yours.
But what if....what if you created this botch.
Could you admit that?
Would I accept that?
But who are you?

No memories of you.
Only the ones I made up in my dreams.
The woman in me want allow me to go back.
There's nothing left to fix.
He did what you were never man enough to do.

So on I go....
No hate for you, only love,
but why daddy,
do I ask....
Who are you?


Anonymous said...

Just dropping you a line checking out your blog.

missrook said...


Thanks for stopping by. I've been MIA for a minute but I'm back now. LOL