They're out to bury you....

on Thursday, April 22, 2010

it's life versus death, ignorance versus ego, a book versus a gun, and our babies just trying to live...

I sit and wonder where exactly are we headed. I mean on a spiritual level, I am certain the end is near so some things will take place divinely regardless. But the future of us, our community, our families, our plain ol' moral disposition. We have to see a distinct contrast between the generation that came before us and the generation that will proceed us. How could one generation sacrifice so much for another and yet we seemingly could care less about the next?

Of course, that can't be so. We do care, right?? I promise you it's almost like I woke up one day and realized folk transformed into one-track minded individuals. Caring only for self. My God, what happened to our backbone, our structure, our faith, our love, our respect... man, the world in which I'm raising a daughter is quite scary.

I'm a bit angry. I'm angry at those who are angry with the way things are and the way our youth seem to be lost. The thing is I had direction, I had teachers, I had role models (real ones not stars)...I had hope. So I say to those who are angry what role did (are) you play in teaching, guiding, supporting, encouraging??? Every day I'm amazed at the lack of substance that some of our folk seem to have. Grown folk, those who know better, but choose to make excuses for their behavior and obsolete conscious. I only wonder do we fully grasp what we're up against. In the midst of excuses, when are we going to pull together, take responsibility and clean up our own communities. Yet that poses the question, how on earth can we possibly build our communities when the root of the community, our families, is decaying?


And I'll be honest, the more I think about our fate, I get angry at myself. Because the question is...Rook what you gonna do about it??? *drops pen*

Stay tuned.

They're out to bury me. They're out to bury you. We better arm ourselves.


Don said...

RookDaGreat - I understand everything you are saying and feeling within your spirit 'cause I too have felt the same. There are many times where I still feel this way. I have lived and did some things in life that I am not proud of and whenever I see the youth following my footsteps I made an earnest attempt to school the young brother and/or sister.

But guess what?

They curse me out and refuse to listen ... so I say OK have it your way like Burger King.

They are definitely out to bury you and I and many many others and chances are they will accomplish their mission. Some people help their cause, if anything.

And will sell you out (if you try and stop) for their cause.

Good stuff.

Raheem jammin' so hard.