Think About It: Purpose

on Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the road


Well the Encarta dictionary defines purpose as, the reason for which something exists or for which it has been done or made. Yeah...that seems fitting. However, it has to go a bit deeper than that. Of course, one's purpose is destined from above. But when and how do we make that "on it is in heaven"? I don't believe some of us are taught to live life purposefully. We are often given a set of instructions that should usually lead us to our "life's purpose". Be good...go to school...go to church...go get some more school...get a good job...get married...have some kids...keep working that good job until you can retire...retire....then die. Dang that sounds really bad when I actually type it word for word. LOL

It has to be more. I know just it. Amazingly, people often say..."oh well you should be satisfied, you've gone to school, you have a good job, you live what's your problem??" My daughter's father once told me, "you're just never satisfied; I'm a simple man so why can't you just be a regular woman who's satisfied with what you much more do you want". WHAT? LOL Yeah needless to say, that's when I knew I was with the wrong man. That's just it..I'm not a regular woman. No offense to regular woman....whatever that is?? :) There's a burning passion within that just want settle with society's definition of completeness. I feel as though I've accomplished so much, but yet so little, all at the same time. I want more, I need more, I owe the world more. ....What is my purpose?

Clearly, right now this can't be it. I've followed the road map, for the most part, and now I find myself at the crossroad. Which way do I go, what way do I turn? Lord do you hear me? How can I not know what to do? Who can I tell? I'm supposed to have it all together? Remember black woman, you're suppose to be strong. Uncertainty reads weakness....right? Could it be I am my worse enemy? ...What is my purpose?

Could it be that the secret whispers that only I can hear are speaking yet I'm not listening? Umm. The question still exists....What is my purpose? What is the reason for which this something exists? .........And thus I ponder. My internal clock ticks. The search find purpose, to find fulfillment, to find me.

Philippians 4:6 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


Don said...

I too really feel there has to be something else. Not just for us individually, but on a whole. I don't know if I will ever see that purpose but personally speaking I think writing is my calling. I look forward to the many places I expect my ink pen to take me. I hope that you will also find something that fulfills your inner being.

But, as you stated, don't be anxious in anything.

Don said...

Oh, gorgeous pic.

missrook said...

I think I know what my purpose may be but there's the fear of stepping out and making it happen. I long to have that something that makes me feel the same way your writing makes you feel. Clearly, it's NOT what Uncle Sam is offering me right now! LOL

Oh, thanks!

Don said...

What do you fear?

missrook said...

The unknown. The road less traveled. Failing.